Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Tuesday Library Assignment

1. Based on the video the United States is much different than countries like Hong Kong, Taiwan and China when it comes to employment. In the United states people are more driven and determined to make money but in other foreign countries people have "softer" voices. Family plays a role in both the USA and foreign countries but in the USA people usually don't have to leave their families to work in factories. Companies open factories in countries like Hong Kong because they know people are very poor and will work for very cheap wages because they have no other options. Hong Kong does not have a minimum wage the workers get paid based on how fast they work. On average the workers get 300-500 yuan a day which is equivalent to  $44-$70. Factory workers work seven days a week 14 hours everyday. Workers usually have to leave their families and stay in the factories living in crowded rooms with 12-20 other people. The working conditions in the USA are much different. In the United States the minimum wage is $9.00 nationally and higher in certain states. The USA also has laws on how many hours minors can work per week and per day and also minors can't work past certain times. 

2. The correlation between happiness and productivity is that the the happy workers are the faster they work. Two examples are Google and Apple because they give their employee's benefits and let them be themselves at work. They are put into a different atmosphere and it is more relaxed work life style. 

3.Toms is a company that operates globally and does it humanely. I chose this company because every pair of shoes that is purchased they give back to people who are less fortunate. They have the "get one give one" attitude. They give away shoes, eye wear, water, safe birth, and kindness. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

What is a Handshake

  • Meet- Limp with little or no eye contact. Some bow when they greet each other to show respect. 
  • Depart- Japanese people will walk the guest out and watch them until they get into their car.
  • Accept a gift-Present gifts with both hands. It is modestly polite to refuse the gift at least once. If you receive a gift you should give one back.  
  • Share business cards- Have two sides to the card one is translated. Have the translated side up when giving it to someone. They expect you to memorize the information. Offer the card with both hands. 

  • Business Meetings- Highly recommended to learn Portuguese phrases before. Business meetings must be set up 2-3 weeks in advance. 
  • meet-Shaking hands. People kiss on the cheeks. Men greet each other with hugs not kisses. Men shake one hand and then they hug with the other touching the other mans shoulder. 
  • Accept a gift-If someone you don't know well invites you over you should bring something to their house like food. You should almost always bring someone gifts if you are invited over their house or going to visit. Everyone will always accept. 
  • Share Business cards- Usually exchanged when people first meet. English should be on one side and the other should be in Portuguese. When giving the cards out make sure that the Portuguese side is facing the recipient. 