Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Two Other Natural Disasters

Blog 1:Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
Student: Quinn
Date:March 11th,2011
Local Effects: cost $360 billion in damage. Destroyed nuclear industry in Japan. Had to close a lot of nuclear reactors which decreased Japans electricity generation by 40%.
Infrastructure effects: 138,000 buildings were destroyed.

Blog 2:  Sumatra -Andaman Earthquake
Student: Santi
Date: December 26th, 2004
Local Effects: Killed 230,000 people. Caused $15 billion in damage.
Infrastructure effects:Destroyed coastal communities and many people lost their businesses because they were too expensive to reopen and rebuild. One of the deadliest natural disasters in history.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The Haiti Earthquake

The Earthquake in Haiti occurred on January 12th,2010 and was a huge shock to many people. The earthquake was a huge natural disaster that had a magnitude of 7.0mw. The earthquake affected roughly 3 million people and killed 319,000 people.

Economic Effects: 

  • Haiti has always been known as a pretty poor country throughout the years and the result of the earthquake made things even worse. 
  • $7.8 billion in damage
  • Tropical storms in the past crippled their economy but the earthquake of 2010 destroyed their economy completely. 
  • Airport was destroyed therefore making it nearly impossible for people to travel in and out of Haiti 
  • Economic output shrank 5.1% 
Local Business: 
  • The airport and the ports were destroyed therefore they could not export any goods. 
  • One of the biggest businesses they had was clothing and shipping their products to other countries. They could not do this for a long time after the earthquake because of the damages.
  • In 2009 they were the 17th largest apparel supplier exporting to the USA. 
  • Exports were a huge part of the local business reaching $424 million, and clothing making up 90% of the countries exports.
  • Very high unemployment rates and almost everyone in poverty.
  • Airport was completely destroyed. 
  • Multiple parts of Haiti destroyed including the capital Port-Au-Prince.
  • 60% of government buildings were completely destroyed.
  • 80% of schools in the capital were destroyed.
  • Estimated 30,000 buildings collapsed. 

Scarcity of Resources:
  • Deforestation- most people are farmers
  • food,water,shelter,clothing
Effects Beyond Local Disaster:
  • The earthquake affected countries that they export things to because they would not longer be able to until they rebuild their area. 
  • Hurt the economy drastically even after the disaster. 
Haiti Today: 

  • Pretty much back to normal
  • Buildings and houses were rebuilt
  • Still a very poor country. 
  • High unemployment levels




Sunday, September 18, 2016

Top Five International TV Shows

After doing research I found that a lot of the shows that I watch someone else living half way around the world could be watching the same thing. With companies like Netflix it makes it possible for this sort of thing to happen. I did my research online and on Netflix and found that some of the the most popular international TV shows are: The Office, Orange is the New Black, El Internado, True detective, and Wentworth. All of these shows are streaming on Netflix right now and shown internationally. All of these shows are International because they lure viewers in by being interesting and suspenseful. Netflix does have different shows based on the country but these are international and are available on Netflix in multiple different countries and continents.

My personal views on International TV shows is that they are great. I find it very cool that people could bond over a show that is taken place in one country and spread miles and miles away. Not only is it great that viewers can watch the shows but this is also great for the producers. Producers will make more money because they can advertise and market their new TV show to more people and countries which means that they will make more money.

Source: http://goop.com/foreign-tv-shows-to-binge-watch-now/